Planning and Policy Committee
- Acts as an overall study and recommendation agent for effective District short-term and long-term development and direction;
- Assists in the planning and recommendation of the land usage and existing buildings on all campuses;
- Screens and recommends the acceptance of donations to the District;
- Assists the management team in the development and recommendations of school calendars;
- Develops and monitors a District development fund and program;
- Reviews and studies potential sites for future expansion and consults with the architect and government agencies such as County Planning Commission, County Engineers, County Health Department, etc., for future site selection;
- Acts as an agent for the Board of Directors in recommending and securing future sites;
- Sets down in written form the actual philosophy and objectives of Great Oaks Career Campuses;
- Keeps the Board of Directors informed of needed policy adoption or changes as recommended by the management team;
- Presents to the Board of Directors any policy adoption or change for ratification;
- Keeps written policy for the operation of Great Oaks Career Campuses;
- Assists the management team in the development and operation of the District affirmative action and nondiscrimination programs;
- Acts as an agent in reporting to the Board of Directors on assignments of this Committee; and
- Acts upon all requests made by the Board of Directors, its chairman, and management team in areas related to the Committee responsibilities.
Planning and Policy Committee Members
Committee Leader: Mae Hanna-Owen
Alternate Leader: Al Long
Susan Blankenship
Michael Harlow
Terry Gibson
Karen Kellums
Staff liaison: Donna Eakins
Minutes: Jennifer Adkins