Financial & Investments Committee
- Reviews and reports information concerning the monthly financial report to the Board of Directors;
- Studies and makes periodic reports on special funds of the District to the Board of Directors;
- Studies and recommends the annual budget, amendments to the budget and transfers as recommended by the management team and the Chief Financial Officer;
- Reviews the annual appropriations and amendments to the budget as recommended by the management team and the Chief Financial Officer;
- Studies projections of estimated receipts and expenditures of the District;
- Reviews and recommends the investment of funds as recommended by the Chief Financial Officer;
- Annually studies and reviews the student service charge for out-of-district students’ attendance;
- Acts as an agent in reporting to the Board of Directors on assignments of this Committee;
- Acts upon all requests made by the Board of Directors, its chairman, and management team in areas related to the Committee responsibilities; and
- Reviews and approves all requests for the preparation of financial reports and statements of the District.
Financial & Investments Committee Members
Committee Leader: Bill Ferguson
Alternate Leader: Bill Herrera
Spencer Bradley
Ron Friend
Bruce Kirkpatrick
Jim Perdue
Beverly Rhoads
Staff Liaison: Brian Rabe, Chief Financial Officer
Minutes: Emma Godfrey