Education, Program Design & Evaluation Committee
- Reviews and studies with the management team the formation of the educational goals and objectives for Great Oaks Career Campuses;
- Reviews and assists the professional staff with the implementation of recommendations for curriculum development and expansion;
- Assists the management team in the evaluation of the effectiveness of the District instructional program;
- Reviews and assists the management team in recommendations for the development and evaluation of particular types of educational experiences, which may not be covered by the District’s overall goals and objectives;
- Assists the management team in reviewing, recommending, and implementing the Program and Activity advisory groups;
- Reviews the composition of the advisory groups as recommended by the professional staff;
- Reviews and studies with the management team the effective use of the career technical student organizations and club activities as a part of the total educational curriculum;
- Reviews and studies the area of student job placement and job follow-up;
- Acts as an agent in reporting to the Board of Directors on assignments of this Committee; and
- Acts upon all requests made by the Board of Directors, its chairman, and management team in areas related to the Committee responsibilities.
Education, Program Design and Evaluation Committee Members
Committee Leader: Fred Hunt
Alternate Leader: Greg Barr
Steve Ashbrock
Susan Blankenship
Emily Chesnut
Karen Kellums
Stephanie Anderson
Staff Liaison: Angie Collins
Minutes: Jimmy Carter