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Board Committees

The Board of Directors of Great Oaks Career Campuses uses standing committees to accomplish all of the work that is required to govern the district. Except for the Board Chair, each of the board members serves on one standing committee.

Typically on the Thursday before the monthly meeting of the Board of Directors, the Chair Committee meets to review the agenda for the upcoming meeting and discuss new topics. This meeting is attended by the leaders and alternate leaders of each committee, the Board Chair, parliamentarian and legislative liaison, as well as the Great Oaks President/CEO, Chief Financial Officer and other members of the Management Team. These meetings are usually held at 5:00 PM. Any changes will be posted at at least 24 hours in advance.

Standing committee meetings are held on the same day as the monthly meeting of the Board of Directors. They usually begin one hour prior to the board meeting at the same location. Each standing committee reviews the items pertaining to its program of work.

Administrative and Human Resources
Building and Assets Committee
Education, Program Design and Evaluation Committee
Financial and Investments Committee
Planning and Policy Committee
Salary and Benefits Committee